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stemme—issue 1

$12.00 / On Sale

Stemme is a facilitative force in our design family tree, a voice for students and staff. A space for dialogue and discussion. Inspiring the formation of collectives and collaborations within AUT University and the wider design industries on both global and local scales, Stemme strives to probe beyond established design disciplines, challenging current design discourse, and ultimately enriching it. Incisively curated, visually refined, refreshingly diverse; Stemme will provoke new conceptions of design culture in and beyond AUT.


Jonty Valentine
Eden Short
Dr Peter Gilderdale
Alistair McCready
Dr Welby Ings
Tristan Marler
Ellen Moore
Amy Yalland—Index
Elliot Collins
Dr Gjoko Muratovski

And more..

138pp, Offset Printed, Perfect bound